Friday, December 14, 2007

A Visit with Saint Nick: Christmas 2007

Santa is a lovable elf.

Very few figures hold such universally high appeal. Despite religious or cultural boundaries, Santa Claus is truly a jolly symbol of joy.

At any Holiday parade, children anxiously await the climatic appearance by Saint Nick. The Big Man is always the grand finale to any seasonal review. Kids everywhere strain to be seen by this charitable North Pole resident for good reason; this is the man who holds the list of who has been naughty, and who has been nice. This is the man with the plan to deliver toys and treats to the children of the world, by sleigh, propelled by reindeer, all in one night.

Kids don't send letters to their Grandparents. They don't write cards to their Mom and Dad. Yet, each year kids around the world manage to understand the vagaries of the postal system to petition Mr. Claus with detailed lists. Lists full of promises and pleadings. Lists containing itemized gift requests that even helpfully note the stores that Santa could check in the event that his sub-artic workshop is a little backed up.

In this Santa Claus is like… he is like… no one else.

There is no comparison to anyone ever.

Santa Claus IS Santa Claus.

This year marked my son William's second pilgrimage to see Santa Claus. While waiting on the line that wound through Santa's Village, Will happily repeated "Saa-taa" over and over again.

Then young Will came face to face with the Czar of Toyland… and he had a stunning realization; Santa was nothing more than a stranger, a bearded fat man clad in a red velvet suit….

Will's 2007 Picture With Santa Claus

So, sometimes you just have to make the best of a bad situation:

Mullin Holiday Card 2007

Happiest of Holidays to you all!

Have a Holly and a Jolly!
(note: no babies were harmed in the making of this post... after the picture Will happily drank some juice and ate a cookie.)

A Tale of Two Santas: Christmas 2006

If you grew up in a suburb, you know that every town has two mall's.

There is the good mall... and there is the 'not so good' mall.

The good mall has Macy's and Bloomingdales as anchor stores.
The 'not so good' mall has Pathmark and Mandee's.

Young William had his picture taken with Santa last year in two of the mall's of Central Suffolk County.
This is the area in which his Pop was raised.

Try and guess which Santa picture is from the bad mall.

Happy Holidays!